Chris Block

Painting and drawing

Federation Studio, Granville Island. 1243 Cartwright St, Vancouver, BC V6H 4B7


InstaGram -  @seabee222

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Chris is passionate about the environment and deeply believes in nature’s ability to bring peace to the soul. An avid hiker, he can regularly be found along the local mountains of Cypress, Seymour, Burke and Squamish with his gear on his back, or set up painting in unexpected areas.

With watercolours, Chris works mostly en plein air to capture the environment in its purest, creating fresh images brimming with immediacy. At his studios at home in New Westminster and on Granville Island he portrays his wilderness treks into loose acrylic depictions.

Representational in nature, Chris’s work embraces a vague and ambiguous approach to his subjects, preferring to capture the essence of a mood. He is intrigued with the physicality of painting - scrubbing, scraping and lifting off as much paint as he applies, creating paintings that speak as much about texture as the image itself.

Chris is a Signature Member with the Federation of Canadian Artists and shows regularly at their Granville Island gallery.